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Table 1 Details of management and husbandry data from broiler house

From: Validation of a simple binary scoring system for assessment of welfare measures of 10-day-old commercial broilers and their correlation with environmental parameters

General information


House type and wall type

H-Beam and sandwich panel

Floor type

Solid with bedding material was rice husks

Date of cleaning of floor

5/ 15/ 2013 (cleaning per month after sell)

Temperature (air and body)

33°C (air) and 39°C (body)

Total number of birds on site (at the time of visit)


Total number of birds originally placed in house

23000 (total 90000 = 23000 + 17000 + 17000 + 17000 + 16000)

Total number of birds in house (at the time of the visit)


Age at day of inspection

MD: 1 day, IB: 7 day, IBD: 14 day

Parent flock age(s)

10 day-old-bird


Cobb broiler

Average bird weight at time of visit (taken from records of weights taken by the producer)

344 g (10 day after birth)

Feed quality and time interval

Feed bought from Jeil Feed company and feeding was operated automatically

Feed withdrawal rate


Number of stock workers


Vaccination for disease, Time of vaccination.

MD: 1 day, IB: 7 day, IBD: 14 day





In which month calls rate is high and why (throughout the year)

November to February because of cold

In which month mortality rate is high and why (throughout the year)

November to February because of cold